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Adding ESP32 Board Manager to Arduino IDE

Installing a board package is quick and easy, but let's take a look at what we need to do.

  1. Open the Arduino IDE 2.

    Step 1 Image

  2. Go to File -> Preferences.
    This will open the Preferences dialog box.

    Step 2 Image

  3. Open your browser and go to Installing - Arduino ESP32 latest documentation and copy the Stable release link.

    Step 3 Image

  4. Paste the link in the Additional boards manager URLs text box and click OK.

    Step 4 Image

  5. Now, in the left column, click on the Arduino board icon. This will open a side window. Type esp32 in the search field. We have to install the one named esp32 by Espressif Systems, so just click the INSTALL button for that package.

    Step 5 Image

  6. This will begin the installation process, which usually takes some time.

    Step 6 Image

  7. After successful installation esp32 board manager will be installed in your Arduino IDE. You can find the esp32 board in your Arduino IDE by going to Tools > Board > esp32

    Step 7 Image